Organization committee

 Eliane ELMALEH (Université du Mans)

Eliane Elmaleh


Eliane ELMALEH  is a Professor in American civilization who teaches American history and civilization at the English Department of Université du Mans, France. Her fields of research are contemporary art, African-American art, feminist and political discourses, the American media and identity politics. She has published a number of articles in scholarly reviews such as Annales du Monde Anglophone, Revue Française d’Etudes Américaines, European Journal of American Culture, E-rea and LISA e-journal,  les cahier du MIMMOC  or Transatlantica and in collective works (Both Swords and Ploughshares, Interactions of War, Peace, and Religion in America from the War of Independence to the Present, Troubled Legacies : Minority Literatures between Impossible Inheritance and the Reinvention of Traditions, Mémoire(s), identité(s), marginalité(s) dans le monde occidental contemporain, Marges et Périphéries dans les pays de langue anglaise, Marginalité et politiques sociales, réflexions autour de l’exemple américain...) . She recently co-edited several books on power and resistance: Résistancesvoix citoyennes en marge des institutions politiques (Resistances, citizen voices on the sidelines of political institutions)which describes and analyses the different political movements which recently emerged in countries such as Canada, Cuba, Spain, the US, Greece, France or Tunisia as a reaction to the global economic crisis or Argent, Pouvoir et représentations (Money, Power and representations), Aux Origines du conflit : pouvoir, domination, résistance (On the origins of conflict: power, domination, resistance) andL’Ouest et les Amériques, entre arts et réalités, which offers a number of different perspectives of the American West. She also co-organized many international conferences, including some with the collaboration of a group of universities (Le Mans, Paris Ouest Nanterre, Caen and Poitiers), Power Studies Network and the support of l’Institut des Amériques (IdA) whose Western France she has been the delegate of. She is currently Vice-President in charge of international relations at the University of Maine, Le Mans.



 Elisabeth LAMOTHE (Université du Mans)Photo_EL_3.jpg

Elisabeth LAMOTHE is an associate professor in North American Studies at Le Mans Université and a member of the 3L.AM research lab. Her publications have focused on the autobiographical writings, journals and letters as well as the fiction of numerous authors from the American South (Welty, Glasgow, Porter, O'Connor, Kingsolver, Ford). She is interested in the artistic and literary work of members of the Vietnamese diaspora around the world and in their political commitment. 


Delphine LETORT (Université du Mans) 



Delphine LETORT is a Professor in American and Film Studies at the University of Le Mans (France). She has published Du film noir au néo-noir : mythes et stéréotypes de l’Amérique 1941-2008 (L’Harmattan, 2010) and The Spike Lee Brand: a Study of Documentary Filmmaking (SUNY, 2015). She has written articles about film adaptations, documentary filmmaking and African-American cinema in journals and co-edited several books (including Women Activists and Civil Rights Leaders in Auto/Biographical Literature and Films, 2018; Auto/biographies historiques dans les arts, 2017; Social Class on British and American Screens. Essays on Cinema and Television, 2016), two thematic issues for the CinémAction series (Revolutions armées et Terrorisme à l'écran, 2019; Panorama mondial du film noir, 2014). She serves on the advisory editorial board of Black Camera (Bloomington, Indiana) and has been the editor-in-chief of Revue LISA/LISA e-Journal which is hosted by (CLEO, CNRS, EHESS). Since October 2016, she has been the director of the 3L.AM research team – Langues, Littératures, Linguistique at the Universities of Le Mans and Angers (


Cristelle MAURY (Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès)


Cristelle MAURY is associate professor in English and North American cinema at Université Toulouse 2 Jean-Jaurès. Her research focuses on classical Hollywood cinema, neo-noir and contemporary film noir through the lens of gender and sexuality studies. She has published several articles on classical film noir and on the links between feminist criticism and cinema. She has co-edited a book on women who kill in film and series of the post-feminist era (Bloomsbury, 2020). She is currently working on the myth of the crisis of masculinity in US film noir and neo-noir and on feminist cinema. 


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